So, after just celebrating my one-year anniversary, on my second to last semester of grad school, 8 years on the birth control pill, and literally just after we bought our first house, I am pregnant. I found out the morning that we closed on our very first house. As of tomorrow, I will be 4 months pregnant.
Max (now nicknamed "SuperSperm")and I were not even planning to start trying for a few years. In one sense, I am so grateful that I got pregnant after we bought the house and got married, and kind of surprised that I am even able to get pregnant (I pessimistically pictured us having problems and having to struggle with pregnancy; even though my husband's family has a tradition of potent sperm, the women in my family have had mixed success conceiving). On the other hand, I feel so unprepared; I don' know what we'll do for money (I have to work), christening (the next big battle looming in the near future) and just life.
None of or friends have babies. Most of them aren't even married. My sister-in-law does, but we are not that close, and we have extremely different views on some things (she's an "earth mother" who seriously considered home schooling and loves being a stay at home mom; I, while respecting her choice, want to work and be a good mother...if only I could figure out how).
Max has been great through this whole process. He has been working like a maniac on the house, all while making dinner (I couldn't really be around most food for the first trimester), most of the chores, and encouraging me to take it easy. I don't know how I made it through finals, but I did somehow.
Apologies for my long absence, but it took me the whole of my first trimester to accept this reality!
Also, check out the new poll!